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Health Tips for The First Trimester: The Complete Guide

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Taking care of your pregnancy is essential to your health and the baby's. And while each stage of your pregnancy is critical, the first trimester is one of the most pivotal stages of your baby's development because it's the period within which your baby's organ systems and structure start developing. What's more, your body will often undergo significant changes during this period. Generally, most miscarriages or congenital disabilities occur during the first trimester. For these reasons, what you do during the first trimester has a significant impact on your pregnancy. If it's your first pregnancy, you will need all the guidance you can get from an obstetrician during this period. Here is all you need to know.


What you eat during your pregnancy is crucial to your health and the baby's. Therefore, you should be extra careful about what you consume. You can talk to your obstetrician to get complete advice on what's good for you. However, eat various foods to get all the nutrients needed for your pregnancy. That means you should take vegetables and fruits, healthy fats, whole-grain foods and protein foods.

Moreover, consume foods containing folate, calcium, iron, etc., that have vital vitamins and nutrients for your baby. However, remember that excessive intake of some vitamins, like Vitamin A, may affect your baby's development. Therefore, limit your dosage and consumption of high-dose vitamin A supplements and liver or liver products. In addition, avoid undercooked, partially cooked and raw foods and meals, especially meats. Also, remember to take plenty of fluids, particularly water. Hydration can help prevent headaches, preterm labour, dizziness, kidney stones and other conditions.


Staying active is another critical part of your first trimester prenatal care. Your body undergoes significant frequent hormonal and mood changes in your first trimester. You are also likely to experience fatigue during this period, and exercising is one practical way to help you deal with all these. A sedentary lifestyle in your first trimester is unhealthy for you and your baby because it puts you at a higher risk of gestational diabetes, weight gain, lower back pains and shortness of breath, among other conditions. However, you don't have to sign up for exercise classes. Simple activities like walking over short distances, using the stairs instead of the lift, taking your dog for a walk, doing some gardening, dancing to your favourite music while doing some housework and so on can help keep you active.


Don't forget to get enough rest. The significant changes that happen to your body as your baby develops can come with a lot of exhaustion and fatigue. Therefore, get rested enough. Take frequent naps if possible and set bedtimes, ensuring you stick to them.
