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Why Does Your Child's Impetigo Keep Coming Back?

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While impetigo looks alarming, this skin infection typically clears up with treatment. When your GP first diagnosed that your child had impetigo, they may have given you an antibiotic cream or even a dose of oral antibiotics to sort the problem out. While this worked initially, you can see new impetigo blisters on your child’s skin. Why has the infection come back? You Stopped the Treatment Early While it can take a while for an antibiotic cream or medication to get rid of impetigo, you should see some improvement relatively quickly. Read More»

Know Your ABCDEs to Spot the Signs of Skin Cancer

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Skin cancer is very common among Australian adults, but thankfully it is a cancer that is relatively easy to treat if you catch it early. Many skin cancers start with a mole that displays one of the following signs. To ensure that you do not miss the telltale early signs of skin cancer, remember ABCDE. Asymmetry Harmless moles are usually somewhat symmetrical. They are roughly circular with no irregularities in their shape. Read More»

Why Won't Your Anxiety Counsellor Tell You What to Do?

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If your anxiety is affecting your everyday life, then you may have decided to try therapy treatment. Once you find a counsellor, you may be relieved that you’re about to get help even though the thought of counselling itself makes you anxious. However, after a couple of sessions, you start to feel a bit frustrated. You’ve bonded with your counsellor but don’t feel that your anxiety is getting much better. Your counsellor listens to you talk but isn’t giving you any solutions to deal with your long-term problems. Read More»

A Brief Guide To Sciatica Treatment

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Sciatica is a leading cause of lower back pain and is characterised by irritation of the sciatic nerve, which runs down to the feet. It causes stabbing pain or tingling in the legs, feet and back. There is a range of treatments available, many of which are explained below. Try Pain Relief At Home If your pain is mild, you may be able to treat it at home. For example, gentle back stretches and regular exercise can go a long way towards pain relief. Read More»

An Overview of Care Options in Retirement Villages

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Retirement villages offer an alternative to moving into a care home and are aimed at those who want to live in a community and receive some form of support but don’t wish to give up their independence or living in a home of their own. Retirement villages typically consist of several types of property, such as bungalows and apartments, and have a range of on-site facilities, such as restaurants, swimming pools, shops and fitness classes. Read More»

What to Expect from Community Based Disability Care

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If you are living with disability, you may be able to engage a wide range of disability care services to make life easier, more enjoyable and more fulfilling. The types of care you choose to access will vary greatly, depending on your needs and preferences, as well as what’s available in your area. If you’re wondering what kind of community-based disability care services are available, here’s a general guide to get you started. Read More»

Say Bye Bye To Nighttime Dry Eye By Giving Your Ceiling Fan The Heave-Ho!

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Spring has already arrived in Australia, and the temperature is starting to rise. It’s hard sleeping at night when you are hot, so it is not surprising you are already using the ceiling fan to keep cool. However, waking up with dry eyes every morning is starting to be a strain. What you probably haven’t realised is there is a connection between your ceiling fan use and your sore eyes. Here’s everything you need to know about exposure keratitis but were afraid to ask! Read More»

What Happens When You "Fail" A Smear Test?

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If you’re an adult woman in the Western world, chances are you go for a smear test every few years. Mostly these tests come back just fine, but occasionally you’ll receive an abnormal result. So what happens next in those circumstances? The good news is that it’s not usually as big a deal as you might imagine–so don’t panic, and simply follow your doctor’s advice through a few simple steps. Read More»