Vaccines and Your Health

Know Your ABCs When Inspecting For Skin Cancer

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Protecting your skin from direct exposure to the sun is essential all year round. Some people assume that they can slack on their sun protection routine during the colder months but in reality, ultraviolet rays will also be present as long as you are receiving some sunshine. But since you’ll be outside more often, sun protection should be a high priority during the hotter months. In addition to having a skin care routine in place to protect yourself from UV exposure, you should also carry out self-inspections on a regular basis to detect if something is off kilter. Read More»

Getting medical practice accreditation in Australia

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Getting accredited bestows recognition of quality and safety of care on any medical practice in Australia. It gives assurance of high standards of service users, managers, funding bodies and all other stakeholders. Accredited medical practices have a competitive edge over those that are not and accreditation provides access to the Practice Incentives Program (PIP), a quality improvement service program that enhances a practice’s ability to benefit from a range of financial incentives. Read More»

Three ways to look after your sexual health

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Looking after your sexual health is important for your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Here are three steps you can take to ensure that you maintain good sexual health. Visit your area’s sexual health clinic on a regular basis If you are sexually active, it is crucial to get tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) on a regular basis. These types of tests can be conducted at a sexual health clinic. Read More»

Homemade Toothpaste and Baking Soda

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Using baking soda as a cleaning product may seem a little odd, but it’s actually a common ingredient in many brands of toothpaste. It’s made of sodium bicarbonate that is an alkaline, which is also mildly abrasive; however, don’t confuse it with baking powder which has had other ingrediants added to assist with baking. It works in the mouth along with the saliva to create a paste that scrubs away stains and reacts with the acids of food to create small bubbles of carbon dioxide that lift stains and wash them away. Read More»